Wednesday 27 April 2016

There Must be Horses by DIANA KIMPTON @dianakimpton

I just read the most wonderful story about horses and a 12-year-old girl hoping to get fostered. I had to share it with you and hope you get the chance to download and read.

It is currently on offer... so what are you waiting for?

"What a wonderful story! Suitable for older readers and adults alike, this is the story of Sasha, a 12 year old girl who has been traumatised by constant moves and an unsettled upbringing. However, when she goes to live in a temporary home in the countryside she finds herself surrounded by the one thing she loves - horses!

When she meets Meteor, a horse troubled by his own mixed past, she must overcome her own fears and learn to trust again.

I loved it and had a tear in my eye at the end...

It did help that my daughter rides so I have picked up a few things watching, but I think this story is suitable for anyone who doesn't know anything about horses too.

Highly recommended for both the story-line and beautiful writing."

Get your copy via Amazon now...

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